Is Moving....


The time has come that I will be transferring the blog over to a website format with a blog incorporated. The change will happen in the next few weeks, I will have forwarding information on the blog. Thanks for reading.

March 5, 2010

Closing Time....

Well, here we are at the end of another ice season for most anglers, as for me it stops here as well. There were some good ice days and some not so good then ya run into some of the best fishing one can experience. I would just like to thank my brother Tyler and father Stuart for assisting me on the ice this season as well as the sponsors that have helped out along the way. Here is my highlight of the ice season, hope you enjoy.


  1. Anonymous3/05/2010

    Awesome Northern!Way to go!!

  2. Thank you. It is alot of fun pulling in truely trophy fish. Until next year... :)

    Ill try for a few of that caliber on my fly rod this spring to fall.
