Is Moving....


The time has come that I will be transferring the blog over to a website format with a blog incorporated. The change will happen in the next few weeks, I will have forwarding information on the blog. Thanks for reading.

June 21, 2009

Itchin' for the Season

It has been awhile since Ive posted on here so I thought I would take some time on this rainy sunday to write a bit...
Here in Alberta, our hunting draws have to be in for June 25th which means for the first time since the last day of the '08 season we are forced (not like it takes much) to think about the upcoming fall. So, I looked at my draw priorities and talked with the partners to see what the plans were and get down to buisness. After contemplating about my special elk tag, archery antelope and trophy antelope I decided to be a deer buster this year. With my priorities high for Whitetail Doe, Mule Deer Doe and my Mule Deer Buck I decided to put in for all; take my general Whitetail Buck tag as well. So I am looking at 4 deer for myself this fall which is going to work out golden if you ask me. I got some permission in place to take out a few Muley does on a buddys property and now its time to crunch where Im going to hunt.
I will tell you this, I am excited.. I am itchin' for the season to get under way! It wont be to long down the road and I will be getting gear together, organizing and loosing sleep.
For me, this time of year is almost the most exciting pre-season warm up there is...
So my draws are in, and now its a waiting game to see if my stradegy will really pay off.